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Problem statement : Integrate Hive and HBase in a way that if you load data in hive table that should reflect in your HBase table and vice versa.
Create a file in cloudera -
vi testdata.csv
1, 'hyd'25000
2, 'blr', 30000
we want to store this csv file testdata.csv in our hive table as well as hbase table. STEP-1: Go to Hbase shell and create a Hbase table create 'hbase_demo', 'location', 'price' STEP-2: Go to hive shell and create a hive table create a temporary Hive stage table where we must load our csv data set
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF not exists hive_stage( key string, city string, cost int ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' ;
Then load csv data into hive_stage table
load data local inpath 'file:///testdata.csv' into table hive_stage;
After then we have to create a another hive table ,where we must map hive table's column to hbase table's column
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF not exists hive_table
(key string,
city string,
cost int
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler'
STEP-3: Then load data into hive_table from hive_stage table
insert into table hive_table select * from hive_stage;
select * from hive_table;
STEP-4:Now go to hbase shell
After going to hbase shell type scan 'hbase_demo' then It will show same data which stored in hive table(hive_table).
scan 'hbase_demo'
Now add some record in hbase_demo table to check that - is it reflecting in habse_demo and hive_table tables.
put 'hbase_demo' , '4', 'location:city','mumbai'
put 'hbase_demo' , '4', 'price:cost','7800'
Now check your hbase table hbase_demo
scan 'hbase_demo'
STEP-5:Now go to hbase shell
check your hive table hive_table to verify data modification using hbase.
select * from hive_table;